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Custom Automation

Automate anything with

Welcome to our Custom Automation services page, an integral part of’s mission to help Scottish businesses stay ahead of the technological curve. With the fast pace of digital innovation, custom automation has become an essential element for enhancing operational efficiency and business growth. Here, we’ll delve into what custom automation means, its benefits, examples, and use-cases that can be tailored specifically to meet your unique business needs.

Why choose

Standard solutions are not one-size-fits-all. Businesses often have unique challenges that require bespoke solutions. Our custom automation services allow for targeted problem-solving, adapting not just to the industry you operate in, but to the specific nuances of your business.


Our solutions grow with you.


Automate repetitive tasks and free up your resources.


Eliminate human error in data entry and other routine activities.


Solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Examples/Use Cases

Anything repetitive, boring or not-creative can be automated. Here at, we leverage hundreds of the latest automation tools and software. We also utilise AI in our Automations, to give you AI Enabled Automations, reaching a new height of work done in your sleep. Here are a few examples and use cases for our Automation services.


From email notifications to initial follow-ups.


Automating the ordering and stock-keeping processes.


From initial applications to onboarding and payroll.


Automated reports generated and sent to key stakeholders.

Use Cases

Automate inventory updates and send notifications for low-stock items. Integrate this with your CRM to offer customers special promotions on those items.

Use Cases

Automate the distribution of new property listings to potential buyers based on their preferences and engagement history.

Use Cases

Automate appointment reminders and follow-ups, freeing your administrative staff to focus on more complex tasks.

How does it work?

At, our approach to custom automation is both consultative and tailored to your unique business requirements. Starting with an in-depth analysis of your operations, we identify areas where automation can provide maximum impact and efficiency. Our team of experts then crafts custom workflows and sets up the relevant triggers and actions to streamline these tasks. This collaborative and data-driven methodology ensures that you achieve optimal results, freeing up time and resources so you can focus on what truly matters—growing your business and providing value to your customers.

Discuss your needs, challenges, and what you hope to achieve.

Our team analyses the requirements to design a customised automation plan.

Develop and integrate the custom automation tools into your existing systems.

Ensure your team understands how to make the most out of the new tools.

Monitor performance and make adjustments as necessary.

No idea where to start?

We understand that the world of AI and technology as a whole can be fairly confusing, and we don’t want you buying into something you haven’t a clue about, this is why you can arrange an online consultation from a member of our team that will work with you to help you understand where your business can benefit from our services, what kind of performance you can expect, breakdown the costs, determine timescale and suggest the best services we can provide for your business. Consultations vary by length, book a consultation below.

Basic Consultation

Arrange a consultation that lasts 30 minutes with one of our team members.

Plus Consultation

Arrange a consultation that lasts 1 hour with one of our team members.

Pro Consultation

Arrange a consultation that lasts 2 hours with one of our team members.

Got a burning question?

Reaching out to us couldn’t be easier, and we encourage open dialogue to best serve your needs. Whether you have a burning question or are looking to embark on a project, we offer multiple channels for communication. From our online contact form to direct messaging via WhatsApp, we strive for accessibility. You can even engage with our sales and support chatbot for instant, round-the-clock assistance. Whatever your preference, our team is readily available to provide insightful consultations, answer your queries, and initiate the first steps towards transforming your business with cutting-edge solutions. Your success journey with begins with a simple conversation, so don’t hesitate—get in touch with us today.

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